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Pruning & Trimming

Pruning is a tree care and maintenance procedure that involves cutting or removing specific parts of a tree. Below are several benefits:

  1. Health: Pruning can help remove diseased, damaged, or dead branches, which can help promote the overall health of the tree or shrub.

  2. Safety: Removing dead or damaged branches can help prevent them from falling and potentially causing damage to people or property.

  3. Aesthetics: Pruning and trimming can help improve the appearance of trees and shrubs by removing unruly or overgrown branches and shaping the plant to a desired form.

  4. Fruit production: Pruning fruit trees can help promote the growth of healthy fruit by removing branches that are overcrowded or not producing fruit.

  5. Property value: Maintaining the health and appearance of trees and shrubs can increase the value of a property.

  6. Energy conservation: Pruning can help trees and shrubs grow more efficiently by removing branches that are shading or competing with other parts of the plant. This can help the plant to direct its energy towards growth and fruit production, rather than maintaining unneeded branches.

  7. Disease prevention: Pruning can help prevent the spread of diseases by removing infected branches before they have the chance to spread to the rest of the plant.

  8. Structural stability: Pruning can help improve the structural stability of trees by removing branches that are weak, diseased, or growing in an undesirable direction. This can help prevent the tree from falling or breaking during storms or other adverse weather conditions.

  9. Improved air circulation: Pruning can help improve the circulation of air through the canopy of a tree, which can help the tree to grow more efficiently and reduce the risk of diseases.

  10. Enhanced flowering: Pruning can help encourage the growth of flowers on shrubs and trees by removing branches that are overcrowded or competing for resources.

Overall, pruning and trimming can provide numerous benefits to trees and shrubs, including improving their health, safety, and appearance, as well as increasing their efficiency and productivity. Pruning can be tricky and sometimes requires expertise. It is best to consult a professional to receive the most benefit out of pruning. Call Wildwood today for a free quote.

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Tree and shrub removal helps restore your landscape and make room for other plants to grow.

We don't like it either, but sometimes a tree is hazardous or declining in health and needs to be removed. Wildwood offers removals, focusing on the safety of the crew and your property during the process. When possible, the wood from removals is milled into lumber or given to woodworkers to be repurposed.


Tree Support

Braces aren't just for your teeth! Braces or tree cabling help support tree growth and minimize damage.

Tree cabling offers additional support for trees with structural defects and is intended to reduce the risk of failure of weak branches. Cables generally consist of high-strength steel and are attached to bolts installed in the upper crown of a tree. If you think a cable would benefit your tree, call us for a free consultation.

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Nurture the plant, reap the reward!

Choosing the right tree for the right location and practicing proper planting techniques are crucial for the health and longevity of your tree. Here at Wildwood, we love trees and we love planting trees. Our goal is to plant one tree for every tree we remove.

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